The AMS Experience | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
**This one's going out to everybody who had the AMS experience and wants more of it** | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ams was so great, so big and so grand.. And they had GOOD teachers to rehearse with the band. The Teacher's where nice and humourus, too.. And then there was Carolina with the Beanie Baby Flu. Rachel's Appendix erupted inside her.. The next thing she knew she had Mike Babio beside her.. For his appendix also fizzed and exploded... Thank God it didn't get all green and coroated. Evan got sick and had to have tubes... Nothing really rhymes with tubes, except for BOOBS! The where two lesbo's and even a gay.. Despite this known fact, we all wanted to stay. There was the trip to the Bardovan, in which we got thrown out.. after the paper throwing and red laser bout. Wind Ensemble took home first in tourney.. Then there was Dennis, who was always horny. You might think that's a lot for one whole school year.. But theres a heck of a lot more for ya'll to hear. Kristina had her obsession with the Prince of Whales.. But we all knew she'd go for any of the males. (j/k) Everyone had art, and gym and shop. And Ya'll know team 4 was the cream of the crop! This school was alive and never was boring.. Especially with the Hall Monitor who went out "Whoring". Jackie talked about a guy, with who she'd like to be.. I don't know his name, but it starts with a "D". Mr. Kerins was da bomb, far better than Mr. C With Yam and Booger and Shroom we would all like to be. Head was mad that we gave her that name.. It was of course all part of our little game.. Evan and Shawn fought over the beaughtiful JLH They always imagined her in stringy white lace.. Then T and Rachel started to fight.. About Mr. Nick and who'd with he'd look right.. The answer is clear, Rachel so tall and blond.. Tiela can stay home and play with her thong. Katie got mad because no one gave her flowers.. And Dan was obsessed with Austin Powers.. Jesse had her thing with the shortstop of the Bombers.. AMS was the reserve away from the Farmers. Now we're stuck being 'round the clock hicks... Living way out here in the boonies or sticks. Ashley was sweet and always was there.. She would always be nice and always would care. Rachel was tall, and she still is today.. She speaks for all when she so wanted to stay.. Travis wore yellow which brightened each day.. Tiela sucked things from the guy who was gay. Peer Mediation sounded dorkish but turned out to be cool.. helping solve conflicts inside of our school. Then we got the announcement that broke all our hearts... Those stupid people are nothing but narqs! They tried to make us think that LMS would be better... They even sent home a frickin' letter. To all of the Titusvillians we're all a new face And by the way they look at us, we're so out of place. We feel like we're not wanted, no one likes us here, We'll be happy when we leave at the end of the year. Now for when last time lets all sing the song.. The song that was sung to pass the time along. Hubba Hubba, Ding Ding.... Ding Ding, Hubba Hubba.... Who's the Best? AMS!!! Here's what I got to say to any who will listen... I'll end it here and stop with my bitchin'. I still miss the homies and the kids with the fros .. Let me add something else.. LMS BLOWS! If you cannot understand any of this rhyme.. It because with not us you have spent all your time.. Its mostly inside jokes and you are out all yonder.. I will not explain..they're there for you to ponder. | |||||||||||||||||||||||
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